Thanksgiving 2023 in Your RV!
It’s that time of year again and we hope you are enjoying Thanksgiving in your RV! Back by popular demand, here are the directions to roast your Thanksgiving Turkey at the campsite!
Campfire Roasted Thanksgiving Turkey
12 pound Turkey
Olive Oil
Black Pepper
Turkey Seasonings (thyme, sage, garlic, onion)
Cheesecloth, Aluminum Foil
Start the campfire with hardwood logs like oak, hickory or hard maple. Let it burn for at least one hour to develop a large supply of glowing coals. Make sure the turkey is completely thawed. Rub oil thoroughly on the exterior and interior of turkey. Sprinkle liberally with salt, pepper and other seasonings.
While the campfire is burning to coals, dig a hole six inches larger than the turkey all the way around. Wrap the oiled, seasoned turkey generously with cheesecloth, then with four layers of aluminum foil sealing as tightly as possible.
Rake or shovel two inches of coals into the bottom of the pit. Place the turkey on top of them. Fill the space around the turkey with coals to about two inches above the bird, then top off the pit with earth.
Time three hours then remove the soil and ash on top of the package. Insert the probe of the thermometer through the foil and cheesecloth to check the internal temperature of the breast. Make sure it’s at least 165F, then carefully remove from pit and set aside for 20 minutes.
Open pack and begin carving!