Etiquette Essentials For RV Newcomers
Special to The Big RV Show – Courtesy of Katlyn Maddison
Canadians are taking up RV usage in droves, with a 6% rise in RV ownership reported by CTV’s analysis of the latest industry statistics. With this new influx of interest have come owners and families who aren’t as au-fait with the RV culture of Canada as they could be. As a result, seasoned owners are presented with a great opportunity to spread the good word of what RV ownership is all about, and teach new enthusiasts how to become a part of the community.
Being a good visitor
RV owners love to socialise and get acquainted with other enthusiasts’ vehicles, as exemplified by events like the Toronto Spring Camping and RV Show. With this sense of trust comes responsibility, and one of the most important parts of RV etiquette is being a good visitor. This begins with being sociable, but extends to treating an RV as you would your own home. Families with children that are likely to become travel sick on a guest trip should look into methods of controlling this – any preparations that you make for your own vehicle should be replicated elsewhere – for instance, having a chat with the RV owner beforehand to arrange centre-vehicle seating for the kids, and having helpful snacks like ginger and cold water on hand. Similarly, users of RVs who end up staying for food, drink or sleep, should make sure they treat it with full respect. The alternative is huge costs and damaged relationships as a result; Canadian cost-cutting watchdog estimate a full reupholster will set a family back up to $10,000.
Treating the land with respect
RVs are a gateway to experiencing camping with good levels of comfort. That level of relaxation and the home comforts that are bundled with it are often a precursor to acting thoughtlessly with regard to the land they are enjoying. Accordingly, one of the most crucial rules of RV etiquette is having respect for the natural land. Parks Canada have listed many of these rules, making them accessible to all, and they include properly disposing of waste, removing used equipment, and keeping garbage in appropriate areas. Treat the land as you would your RV.
The golden rule
According to Hart Ranch camping resort, a USA based facility, the golden rule of all camping is to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. While this seems basic at its heart, thinking about the statement in depth can help you to realize how to put that into action. Always keep other campers in mind when you’re setting out your stall – keep your own mess down, don’t take over the campsite, and always consider the feelings of fellow campers first. If you can make their trip a happy one, yours will be too.
RV culture has some specific etiquette, but it all goes towards making the experience a happy one for every visitor. Rather than being a selfish pursuit where you look out for yourself, campsites are where like-minded people can share their passion in a constructive way. Newcomers can be an instant hit in the community by simply acting with common sense.
So, if you seek more information about the RV and camping lifestyle and want to speak directly to manufacturer representatives about the latest and greatest products head over to Mississauga in February 2020, to learn about the RV & Camping lifestyle and talk directly to Manufacturer Representatives about the right recreation vehicle for your family.
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About The Show:
Toronto’s Spring Camping and RV Show is the only RV Show produced by the Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association (CRVA) who has teamed up with the largest RV Dealers in Ontario to offer consumers the best deals on your new RV. This exciting one of a kind show will showcase the largest display of RVs from respected Ontario retailers of every Model and Type of RV and for every budget. Contact us today for more information.